How to Troubleshoot "Re-enter the Controller address or enter a new address" issue.
Article | ConfigurationConnectivity | 249 found this helpful | Created: 13 May 2016 | Modified: 03 Apr 2018Applicable Products
Connect Studio with the database. If you are unable to open studio and get the above error message while the users are still able to launch the desktops/applications infers that either we have an incorrect connection string configured or one of the controllers in the site has failed for 'n' reasons
Troubleshooting methodology: (Take a backup of the database before performing the below steps)
Overview of troubleshooting process diagram
Troubleshooting methodology: (Take a backup of the database before performing the below steps)
Overview of troubleshooting process diagram
1. First we would like to understand if all the controllers in the site are actively connected to the database or not
- Load Citrix snap ins with “asnp Citrix.*” on windows PowerShell in elevated mode
- Run Get-brokercontroller
- Get-BrokerController | Select DNSName,State
- You should expect to see the state of all the controllers in the site as ‘Active’
- If one of the controller in the site reports any other status other than ‘Active’, you directly need to shift your focus on that particular controller and follow step 2.
- If all the controller’s state returns ‘Active’ follow step 5.
- “Get-Command Get*servicestatus”
- Copy and execute all the commands listed with the above command and expect to see all the status as ‘OK’
- If you find an error on any of the service, check proper permissions are provided to that particular DDC’s login on SQL server.
- XenDesktop Controllers authenticate using windows authentication to the SQL server and use the host name to login to the SQL server, so if the host name of the controller is DDC1 and you domain is domain1 you should see a login created on the SQL server with “domain1\DDC1$” with all the permissions as per http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX127998
- E.g Test-brokerdbconnection –dbconnection “<connection strigs>”
- If you get an error message and is unreadable dump the command in the variable and look at the output
- E.g $a=test-brokerdbconnection –dbconnection “<connection string>”
- $a.extrainfo.values
- This will give you more insight to the problem.
5. Check to see if we are correctly connected to the Monitor and Configuration Logging database.
- Get-MonitorDatastore
- Get-LogDatastore
- To verify if we are correctly connecting to the required database
- From 7.x we can have separate database for Monitor and Logging hence, one Connection string for Monitor/Logging service points to the site datastore and one string of Monitor/Logging service points to the Monitor/Logging datastore.
- Configuration service acts as backbone to all the other FMA services and hence all the instances should be registered with it
- Run the command “Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance | measure” to get the count of total instances registered with the configuration service
- The count will vary with the number of controllers in the site and the version of controller
- Typically a XenDesktop 7.6 deployment has 49 instances per controller, XenDesktop 7.8 deployment has 55 instances per controller and XenDesktop 7.15 deployment has 60 instances per controller.
- If you see issues with count you may unregister all the registered instances with
Get-“ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance | Unregister-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance”
If none of the above yield positive result call Citrix Support and have this issue investigated further.
After reading the article thoroughly, I found that Get-LogDataStore command resulted in 'Status:DBUnconfigured'. I was fortunate that simply restarting the Citrix Configuration Logging and Citrix Montioring services corrected the issue and I did not require the more detailed steps included. As you can see, titles of support articles can sometimes mislead. Be sure to read as a nugget may be found that will point you in the right direction!
- (Take a backup of Site DB before doing so as this is going to remove all the instances from DB)
- Get-AcctServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-ApplibServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-AdminServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-BrokerServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-ConfigServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-EnvTestServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-HypServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-LogServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-MonitorServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-ProvServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-SfServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-TrustServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
- Get-OrchServiceInstance | register-configserviceInstance
Register all the instances back by running the command on all the controllers in the site
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-AcctServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-AdminServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-ApplibServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-BrokerServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-ConfigServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-EnvTestServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-HypServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-LogServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-MonitorServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-ProvServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-SfServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-TrustServiceGroupMembership
- Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -servicetype config | Reset-OrchServiceGroupMembership7. The number of services may vary depending on the controller version and hence run the below commands to get list of all the service instances
- Get-command Get*serviceinstance
- Get-command Get*servicegroupmembership
If none of the above yield positive result call Citrix Support and have this issue investigated further.
After reading the article thoroughly, I found that Get-LogDataStore command resulted in 'Status:DBUnconfigured'. I was fortunate that simply restarting the Citrix Configuration Logging and Citrix Montioring services corrected the issue and I did not require the more detailed steps included. As you can see, titles of support articles can sometimes mislead. Be sure to read as a nugget may be found that will point you in the right direction!