Tuesday, June 15, 2021

How to use Send an HTTP request to SharePoint in Power Automate?



Send an HTTP request to SharePoint action is used to execute REST queries. As we know when we want to perform any operations in SharePoint then we are using APIs so in the flow, we can use fro the same requirements.


For more details refer to this.




We will create a SharePoint list and we will perform Create, Read, Update and Delete operations. we will create an instant flow. let's see step-by-step implementation.



1. Go to Power Automate > My flows > Click on New flow > Select instant cloud flow


STep 1.png




2. Read items from To Do list. (Read Operation)


So to perform the read operation we will use the GET method.


Add Send an HTTP request to SharePoint action from + icon and here we need Site address, Method, and URI.


Site Address: Select the Site URL in which we want to perform actions

Method: GET

Uri: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('To Do')/items

Headers: Not required


You can also add URI in a variable because this we will need for all the actions.


Read Items.png


If it will successfully execute it returns statusCode 200 and records in the body if records are available.


Read Items OP.png



3. Create item in To Do list (Create Operation)


Site Address: Select the Site URL in which we want to perform actions

Method: POST

Uri: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('To Do')/items

Headers: Need JSON object

       "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
       "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"

Body : RequestBody

         "__metadata": {
               "type": "SP.Data.To_x0020_DoListItem"
       "Title": "Demo Task1",
       "Status": "Started"


In the request body, we need type so now the question is how to get type? It is SP.Data.{ListName}ListItem (replace {ListName} with list name. if space in between list name then it will be separated with _x0020_).


Create item.png


If it will successfully execute it returns statusCode 201.


Create item op.png




4. Update item in To Do list (Update Operation)


Site Address: Select the Site URL in which we want to perform actions

Method: PATCH

Uri: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('To Do')/items(itemID) 


      "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
      "IF-MATCH": "*"

Body : RequestBody

         "__metadata": {
               "type": "SP.Data.To_x0020_DoListItem"
       "Title": "Task1",


Update Item.png



5. Delete item in To Do list (Delete Operation)


Site Address: Select the Site URL in which we want to perform actions

Method: DELETE

Uri: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('To Do')/items(itemID) 


      "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
      "IF-MATCH": "*",
      "X-HTTP-Method": "DELETE "

Body: Not required 


Delete ietm.png



In this article, we have seen the step-by-step implementation of CRUD operation of SharePoint list items using Send an HTTP request to SharePoint in Power automate.


Hope this helps!


Sharing is caring!


Posted at https://sl.advdat.com/3gn3iMf