Our previous Routing blog was so popular we thought we would follow up with more great routing scenarios that you can use in your solutions by just adding Azure Maps to your Azure Subscription ( Overview for Microsoft Azure Maps | Microsoft Docs )
Here are some more routing samples to guide you how you might add these features to your scenario:
Add traffic along your route:
Although the traffic is considered when you use the route API (unless you deactivate it) with this option you can visualize how the traffic is in the route.
Add weather along your route:
Weather conditions can affect your drive, with the weather service APIs, powered by Accuweather, provided through Azure Maps you can check out the weather conditions along your expected route.
Get a route based on your vehicle type :
There are multiple factors to consider when we need to calculate the route for a truck rather than a car; width, height, length, weight and load are some of the options you can setup to calculate this route. Our sample shows you the difference between a truck and a car’s route based on such factors.
Optimize waypoints to get a better route:
If you need to find out the shortest distance for a route of multiple points this option provides you what you need, in this sample you can find 7 addresses for a total of 138.85 km shortened to 92.36 km.
To see more great examples of how Azure Maps Routes can be used in so many more ways that you expected, Check out Azure Maps Web SDK Samples (azuremapscodesamples.azurewebsites.net)
Tutorial: Web SDK Tutorials - Search for a location and more
- Microsoft Azure maps Product page: Azure Maps – Geospatial Services APIs | Microsoft Azure
- Documentation: Azure Maps Documentation | Microsoft Docs
- Web Control Documentation: Getting started with Microsoft Azure Maps web map control | Microsoft Docs
- Web Control Samples: https://azuremapscodesamples.azurewebsites.net/
Thank you for checking out Azure Maps Route APIs. All of the samples above are directly accessible through the links and have Github repositories for you to leverage the sample code within your solutions. If you need any assistance or have any questions feel free to post them in our Q&A section, we are here to help!
Posted at https://sl.advdat.com/3yWTOxS