It's time to go beyond what Microsoft Viva is, and move into implementation, deployment, and adoption.
On this episode, we've got a terrific "knowledge roundtable" discussion with four stellar Microsoft MVPs: Dux Raymond Sy about Viva Connections, Susan Hanley about Viva Topics, Asif Rehmani about Viva Learning, and Robert Mulsow on Viva Insights. This episode is filled with great tips, tricks, and challenges when configuring and rolling it out Viva for your company and colleagues.
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Intrazone guests and hosts | Top row - left-to-right: Dux Raymond Sy (CBO – AvePoint and Microsoft MVP) [guest], Asif Rehmani (President – VisualSP and Microsoft MVP)[guest], Mark Kashman (Senior product manager – Microsoft) [co-host]; bottom row - left-to-right: Susan Hanley (President – Susan Hanley LLC and Microsoft MVP) [guest], Chris McNulty (Director – Microsoft) [co-host], and Robert Mulsow (Chief evangelist – and Microsoft MVP) [guest].
Links to important on-demand recordings and articles mentioned in this episode:
- Hosts, guests, and related products
- Dux Raymond Sy | LinkedIn | Twitter | AvePoint [guest]
- Susan Hanley | LinkedIn | Twitter | [guest]
- Asif Rehmani | LinkedIn | Twitter | VisualSP [guest]
- Robert Mulsow | LinkedIn | Twitter | SkillBridge [guest]
- Mark Kashman |@mkashman [co-host]
- Chris McNulty |@cmcnulty2000 [co-host]
- SharePoint | @SharePoint | SharePoint community blog
- Microsoft Viva | #MSFTViva | LinkedIn | Site | Blog
- Articles and sites
- Microsoft Viva (Website)
- Microsoft Viva digital event (video)
- Previous Intrazone episode with Microsoft CVP, Jared Spataro: "Viva Las Microsoft" aka, the Viva 101 podcast.
- Microsoft Docs - The home for Microsoft documentation for end users, developers, and IT professionals.
- Microsoft Tech Community Home
- Stay on top of Office 365 changes
- Listen to other Microsoft podcasts
- Events
- North American Collaboration Summit (Aug.9-11.2021) [hybrid; Branson, MI and online]
- Commsverse (Sept.15-16.2021); a Microsoft Teams Community Event) [hybrid: UK - in-person and online]
- SharePoint Fest DC + dedicated 'Teams Fest' track (Sept.20-24.2021) [in-person]
- HR Tech Conference 2021 (Sept.28-Oct.1.2021) [in-person]
- Microsoft Lists workshop [available now on-demand]
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Left to right [The Intrazone co-hosts]: Chris McNulty, director (SharePoint Syntex, Viva Topics – Microsoft) and Mark Kashman, senior product manager (SharePoint, Lists – Microsoft).
The Intrazone, a show about the Microsoft 365 intelligent intranet (