Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday Five: Power BI, Azure Arc, And More!


Transform a local into a global Power BI solution – Content endorsement

Marc Lelijveld is a Data Platform MVP, Power BI enthusiast, and public speaker who is passionate about anything which transforms data into action. Currently employed as a Data & AI consultant in The Netherlands, Marc is often sharing his thoughts, experience, and best-practices about Microsoft Data Platform with others. For more on Marc, check out his blog.


Step By Step Troubleshooting Azure Arc-enabled servers with agent connection issues

Robert Smit is a EMEA Cloud Solution Architect at and is a current Microsoft MVP Cloud and Datacenter as of 2009. Robert has over 20 years experience in IT with experience in the educational, health-care and finance industries. Robert’s past IT experience in the trenches of IT gives him the knowledge and insight that allows him to communicate effectively with IT professionals. Follow him on Twitter at @clusterMVP


Deep-linking Azure Log Analytics and Application Insights queries

Tobias Zimmergren is a Microsoft Azure MVP from Sweden. As the Head of Technical Operations at Rencore, Tobias designs and builds distributed cloud solutions. He is the co-founder and co-host of the Ctrl+Alt+Azure Podcast since 2019, and co-founder and organizer of Sweden SharePoint User Group from 2007 to 2017. For more, check out his blog, newsletter, and Twitter @zimmergren

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Create a Teams chat group with Power Automate and other new actions and triggers

Vesku Nopanen is a Principal Consultant in Office 365 and Modern Work and passionate about Microsoft Teams. He helps and coaches customers to find benefits and value when adopting new tools, methods, ways or working and practices into daily work-life equation. He focuses especially on Microsoft Teams and how it can change organizations' work. He lives in Turku, Finland. Follow him on Twitter: @Vesanopanen


Configure Azure B2C tenant for the PowerApps portal

George Chrysovalantis Grammatikos is based in Greece and is working for Tisski ltd. as an Azure Cloud Architect. He has more than 10 years’ experience in different technologies like BI & SQL Server Professional level solutions, Azure technologies, networking, security etc. He writes technical blogs for his blog "", Wiki TechNet articles and also participates in discussions on TechNet and other technical blogs. Follow him on Twitter @gxgrammatikos.

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