Looking for partner-driven mixed reality solutions but not sure where to begin?
Check out our curated list of new MR Partner e-books below - we will keep this list updated as more e-books are created!
- Bentley (official page) - Infrastructure inspections made simple - ulvz I Flip PDF Online | FlipBuilder
- Crane Morley (official page) - Head up. Hands free. - ulvz I Flip PDF Online | FlipBuilder
- Fracture Reality (official page) - Come together when you're apart - Fracture Reality - ulvz I Flip PDF Online | FlipBuilder
- GigXR (official page) - Transform your learning environment with XR - ulvz I Flip PDF Online | FlipBuilder
- Hevolus (official page) - Rethinking retail with mixed reality - ulvz I Flip PDF Online | FlipBuilder
- PTC (official page) - Solve the skills gap with a new take on reality - ulvz I Flip PDF Online | FlipBuilder
- Synergiz (official page) - Unleash the power of mixed reality (flipbuilder.com)
- Trimble (official page) - Your data. Your work site. Together at last. (flipbuilder.com)
Discover what our Mixed Reality partners can do to help YOU achieve your #MixedReality goals within your organization!
Learn more about the Mixed Reality Partner Program: Join the Mixed Reality Partner Program (microsoft.com)
Browse the full list of MR Partners by Tier level (i.e Gold/Silver) and region: Find Mixed Reality Partners and Experts | Microsoft HoloLens
#MRPartners #MRTransformation
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