Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Adaptive Cards community call – October 2021

adaptive-cards-October THumb.png



The following topics are covered in this month’s community call: FactSet + Adaptive Cards (rendering Adaptive Cards in their products) Matt Pineau (FactSet) and Andrew Curtice (FactSet), v1.5 Release (shipped v1.5 of our schema!  New features include: RTL support, Input.Text masking, ActionSet overflow, Tooltip for Actions, Table element, Static filtered choicesets and Action.isEnabled) - J.P. Roca (Microsoft) and finally Q&A – members of the Developer and PM teams fielded questions on a host of topics for the last 20 minutes on this call.   This call was hosted by J.P. Roca (Microsoft) | @jpthepm.  Recorded on October 14, 2021.




  • FactSet + Adaptive Cards :handshake:- Matt Pineau (FactSet) and Andrew Curtice (FactSet) – 00:29
  • v1.5 Release :loudspeaker: - J.P. Roca (Microsoft) | @jpthepm – 23:42
  • Q&A :white_question_mark: - with members of Microsoft Developer and PM teams – 26:58



FactSet + Adaptive Cards   FactSet - a financial services company, utilizes and has extended Adaptive Cards in their Signals product to proactively deliver brief and atomic information to customers.  Adaptive Cards are integrated through Power Automate into Microsoft Teams and Outlook.  FactSet’s WorkStation product uses the Extensibility feature of Adaptive Cards in its Fusion UI renderer to deliver responsiveness across platforms with little code.  Q&A throughout.       


Referenced in this call:


Resources in General: 


Stay connected:

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