Tuesday, November 30, 2021

CI CD in Azure Synapse Analytics Part 5 - Deploying Azure Synapse Workspace from ARM

Here's a quick review of the road so far:


CI CD in Azure Synapse Analytics Part 1

  • Creating an Azure DevOps project
  • Linking our Azure Synapse Analytics environment to that Project via Git
  • Validating that our Azure DevOps Repo was populated with our Azure Synapse Analytics environment

CI CD in Azure Synapse Analytics Part 2:

  • Create a new branch on our Repo
  • Edit our Azure Synapse Analytics environment
    • Specifically my SQL scripts have demos all over the place and Buck Woody said I have to clean up my very messy room .... Azure Synapse Analytics environment
  • Create a Pull Request in Azure Synapse Analytics to merge our new branch with the main
  • Approve the Pull Request in Azure DevOps
  • Validate our main branch is updated in our Azure Synapse Analytics Environment

CI CD in Azure Synapse Analytics Part 3

  • Create an Artifact pipeline
    • This is to create an Artifact we can use to deploy to another environment

CI CD In Azure Synapse Analytics Part 4

  • Give our Azure DevOps Service Principal access to our Azure Synapse Workspace
  • Validate or Give our Azure DevOps Service Principal Storage Contributor & User Access Administrator (*This is only if your storage account was provisioned before you created your Synapse Workspace or if you connect your Dev, QA, and Prod to the same ADLS G2 storage account.  If you create your Synapse Workspace and Storage account from an ARM template deployed from DevOps, then your DevOps Service Principal will have Owner on the Storage Account and that gives the Service Principal User Access Administrator capabilities.)
  • Create the release pipeline
  • Validate the deployment
  • *If you have SQL Provisioned Pools as part of your deployment pause them, because they will be created on deployment
Posted at https://bit.ly/31fZmaN