Friday, December 3, 2021

Released: Public Preview for SQL Server Management Packs (

Updates to Management Packs for SQL Server, Reporting Services, Analysis Services, and Azure SQL Managed Instance ( are available for public preview. Please install this public preview version and provide us feedback. We appreciate the time and effort you spend on these previews which make the final product so much better.


Please download at:

Microsoft System Center Management Pack (Community Technology Preview) for SQL Server

Microsoft System Center Management Packs (Community Technology Preview) for SQL Server Reporting Ser...

Microsoft System Center Management Pack (Community Technology Preview) for Azure SQL Managed Instance

Another change we've done recently is to move operations guides for all SQL Server family of management packs from download center to This unifies the content viewing experience for the user as the rest of the SCOM and SQL Server documentation is already there. Further more, it allows us to present to you the most up to date and accurate content online. The link to the operation guide for each MP can be found on the MP download page. Here are the links that show what's new in these MPs:

Features and Enhancements in Management Pack for SQL Server

Features and Enhancements in Management Pack for SQL Server Analysis Services

Features and Enhancements in Management Pack for SQL Server Reporting Services

Features and Enhancements in Management Pack for Azure SQL Managed Instance


We are looking forward to hearing your feedback. Please leave a comment on this article or email us at sqlmpsfeedback at


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