Monday, March 21, 2022

Simulate region-down disaster recovery drills with stopped servers


Do you have a data disaster recovery plan for your Azure Database for MySQL server workloads?


Have you conducted a disaster recovery drill to make sure your disaster recovery plan is effective?


Whether it is a natural disaster that shuts down all the power in a region and the data centers with it, or an occasional regional outage, being prepared for the inevitable emergency or crisis is of utmost importance.


Just like the cricket team would never head into their matches without practicing first, your first responders can’t be expected to manage such failures in an emergency without stepping through a simulation or plan. While a disaster recovery drill can never completely recreate the scenario, simulating drills will help ensure that those on the front lines understand their responsibilities as well as how to get the critical systems up and running with minimal downtime.


Geo-restore and drill simulation

Geo-restore allows you to recover from a geographic disaster when you cannot access your database or backups in the primary region. It creates a new database on any existing server or managed instance, in any Azure region. Geo-restore is available for an Azure Database for MySQL server for which Geo-redundancy is enabled (Compute+Storage setting).




In order to simulate a region-down scenario, stop the designated geo-redundant server test workload.



You can now run the following command to geo-restore a stopped server to the most recent backup available. This will help you estimate recovery time and impact for your test Azure Database for MySQL server workloads in case of a region-outage, preparing your first responders with a line of action to be executed on D-day.



Azure CLI
az mysql flexible-server geo-restore --source-server


Example: Geo-restore 'mydemoserver' in region East US to a new server 'mydemoserver-restored' in it’s geo-paired location West US with the same network setting.

Azure CLI
az mysql flexible-server geo-restore \
--name mydemoserver-restored \
--resource-group myresourcegroup \
--location "West US" \
--source-server mydemoserver



Enabling geo-redundancy empowers you to recover from a geographic disaster or regional failure when they can’t access the server in the primary region. With this feature enabled, you can perform geo-restore and deploy a new server to the geo-paired Azure region leveraging the original server’s latest available geo-redundant backup. Azure Database for MySQL now offers you the ability to simulate region-down scenarios and make an informed choice to leverage the benefits of geo-redundancy and geo-restore for your flexible server workloads.


If you have any feedback or questions about the information provided above, please leave a comment below or email us at Thank you!

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