Friday, April 22, 2022

Upcoming changes to IP-addresses for Azure Service Bus

At Azure Service Bus we are upgrading our infrastructure to the newest technologies, allowing us to use the latest features available. Due to this infrastructure change, the IP-addresses associated with our customers’ namespaces are also going to change.


Your Service Bus based solutions may break if you are not following the best practices of using service tags or domain names in your firewall or network devices configurations to allow communication with this service, but are instead using these IP-addresses.


If you are using Service Bus premium, we recommend using service tags, as per our recommendations described in the service documentation. Service tags will automatically be updated if anything changes in our infrastructure, meaning you won’t have to make these changes manually.


If you are on Service Bus standard or cannot use service tags, we recommend using the fully qualified domain names for your specific namespaces or the general “*” domains. These will automatically resolve to the new configurations as well, meaning you won’t be impacted by these changes either.


As we are moving forward with implementing these changes, we will be updating this blogpost with the impacted regions and their new IP ranges. Below you can find the impacted regions that we have currently planned.


Region Timeframe
West Central US May 2022
North Central US May 2022


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