Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Playing music with PowerShell

While continuing my journey to continue learning Microsoft PowerShell, I thought back to the early days of making music with computers. I have worked on many projects throughout the years, using several languages, and making simple music has been a repeated challenge that I have used to help learn timing, loops, functions and debugging. While doing so in PowerShell, I located a site that had already published frequency information at, the related .NET information at  and finally the PowerShell call '[System.Console]::Beep(frequency,length in milliseconds)'.  After compiling this information, I took the examples I found and produced the following code:

##########Begin Script##############

# Notes
$Dsharp1 = 38.891
$E1 = 41.203
$F1 = 43.654
$Fsharp1 = 46.249
$G1 = 48.999
$Gsharp1 = 51.913
$A1 = 55
$Asharp1 = 58.27
$B1 = 61.735

$C2 = 65.406
$Csharp2 = 69.296
$D2 = 73.416
$Dsharp2 = 77.782
$E2 = 82.407
$F2 = 87.307
$Fsharp2 = 92.499
$G2 = 97.999
$Gsharp2 = 103.826
$A2 = 110
$Asharp2 = 116.541
$B2 = 123.471

$C3 = 130.813
$Csharp3 = 138.591
$D3 = 146.832
$Dsharp3 = 155.563
$E3 = 164.814
$F3 = 174.614
$Fsharp3 = 184.997
$G3 = 195.998
$Gsharp3 = 207.652
$A3 = 220
$Asharp3 = 233.082
$B3 = 246.942

$C4 = 261.626 #Middle C
$Csharp4 = 277.183
$D4 = 293.665
$Dsharp4 = 311.127
$E4 = 329.628
$F4 = 349.228
$Fsharp4 = 369.994
$G4 = 391.995
$Gsharp4 = 415.305
$A4 = 440
$Asharp4 = 466.164
$B4 = 493.883

$C5 = 523.251
$Csharp5 = 554.365
$D5 = 587.33
$Dsharp5 = 622.254
$E5 = 659.255
$F5 = 698.456
$Fsharp5 = 739.989
$G5 = 783.991
$Gsharp5 = 830.609
$A5 = 880
$Asharp5 = 932.328
$B5 = 987.767

$C6 = 1046.502
$Csharp6 = 1108.731
$D6 = 1174.659
$Dsharp6 = 1244.508
$E6 = 1318.51
$F6 = 1396.913
$Fsharp6 = 1479.978
$G6 = 1567.982
$Gsharp6 = 1661.219
$A6 = 1760
$Asharp6 = 1864.655
$B6 = 1975.533

$C7 = 2093.005
$Csharp7 = 2217.461
$D7 = 2349.318
$Dsharp7 = 2489.016
$E7 = 2637.021
$F7 = 2793.826
$Fsharp7 = 2959.955
$G7 = 3135.964

# Note Types 60bpm Whole=4000ms

$w=4000 #whole note
$h=$w/2 #half note
$q=$h/2 #quarter note
$e=$q/2 #eighth note
$s=$e/2 #sixteenth note

#Play Middle C
[System.Console]::Beep($C4,$W) # Middle C

Function CMScale{


#Call Function
##########End Script##############

With this information, you too can create simple music on the console. I have been working through translating some old simplified sheet music, just to see what I can do. It's a bit more enjoyable than the old Hello World scripts we have usually started with. However, I have noted several examples on GitHub as well:

Tetris -
SuperMario -

Happy scripting!