As organizations look to increase their inclusiveness accessibility becomes a key pillar to be addressed. Ensuring that content and systems are accessible by all employees is not only a matter of compliance but also the right thing to do.
In this episode of MidDay Cafe, the MidDay crew addresses the topic of accessibility in this demonstration rich coverage of Microsoft Immersive Reader (within OneNote, Word, Edge, and Microsoft Teams), Dictation in Microsoft Outlook/Word in iOS, Accessibility settings and capability within Microsoft Windows, as well as Accessibility in Power BI.
- Accessibility at Microsoft
- Microsoft Immersive Reader
- Introduction to Immersive Reader - Learn | Microsoft Docs
- All about the Immersive Reader - Microsoft Educator Center
- Microsoft Learning Tools (
- Listen to your Word documents - Office Support (
- Use Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge
- Use Immersive Reader in Microsoft Teams
- Use Immersive Reader in PowerPoint - Office Support (
- Use Immersive Reader in Microsoft Forms
- iOS Dictation
- Windows Accessibility
- Power BI
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Michael Gannotti
Machine Translation Transcript:
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:29.130
Michael Gannotti
And here we are, we are back again for another edition of mid day cafe. I hope everybody's brought their coffee ready to rock and roll, but I'm very excited today. A mid day cafe, we're going to be talking accessibility and today I'm joined by my 4 experts who are going to be showing us in talking about various facets of accessibility with Microsoft. First we're going to have in just a moment I want to go through and just introduce everybody quick. But Sue, you want to introduce yourself?
00:00:29.330 --> 00:00:32.060
Sue Vencill
Hey everybody, Sue technical team specialist.
00:00:32.570 --> 00:00:38.560
Scott Moore
Them Scott Scott Moore, also technical team specialist Phil.
00:00:39.830 --> 00:00:42.830
Phil Urban
Filler been. I'm like having point specialist.
00:00:43.260 --> 00:00:44.500
Michael Gannotti
And Kendra.
00:00:44.830 --> 00:00:49.720
Kendra Burgess
Hi Kendra Burgess, I'm a business intelligence technical specialist. Power BI.
00:00:49.420 --> 00:01:19.480
Michael Gannotti
There we go awesome and so that's the order that we're going to be going in. Just a quick reminder though. Before we start, you can find us always on our blog. We'd love to hear from you if you have questions, suggestions that's placed Postum the the blog is at AKA Dot Ms Slash HLS blog that's AKA Dot Ms Slash HLS blog. You can also find us all individually on LinkedIn and there will be links in this post.
00:01:19.760 --> 00:01:52.120
Michael Gannotti
That you'll be able to go to to harass each and everyone of us. And that's a joke. Everybody not harass, and so it's lunchtime. And then finally, you know you can always find us as well in podcast audio form so you can take mid day cafe on the go with you on Apple iTunes, Google Podcasts, an on Spotify. And with that I'm going to be shutting up and just doing some hand offs.
00:01:52.170 --> 00:02:02.720
Michael Gannotti
But we have our first speaker presenter discuss are expert and sue. Why don't you talk to us about your topic today which is?
00:02:03.310 --> 00:02:04.630
Sue Vencill
Immersive reader.
00:02:05.250 --> 00:02:06.150
Michael Gannotti
Or sev reader.
00:02:06.250 --> 00:02:29.230
Sue Vencill
And I would love to so immersive reader is built in across all pretty much all of Microsoft Office Office 365 apps today. I'm just going to show it to you. I'm going to show it to you in one note word, Edge and teams and I will try to be very descriptive for those people that are just in listening mode only. I know you guys.
00:02:28.290 --> 00:02:34.210
Michael Gannotti
I do have one question. I have to rob, so you're going to be showing in those, but what about Xbox?
00:02:29.790 --> 00:02:30.260
Sue Vencill
00:02:31.020 --> 00:02:31.550
Sue Vencill
00:02:34.970 --> 00:02:35.500
Michael Gannotti
I'm kidding.
00:02:36.350 --> 00:02:38.050
Sue Vencill
Yeah, that's a next week session.
00:02:41.060 --> 00:03:08.330
Sue Vencill
Alright, so this first demo I I love this one. This is pretty fun. So what you're seeing right now is literally, I used office lens on my mobile phone and I as you can tell I took a picture of my Kindle. I said that this is an image. This is a picture across the board. You will pretty much find the immersive reader under the View tab, so I'm going to go ahead and click on immersive reader. An this window opens up.
00:03:08.850 --> 00:03:12.800
Michael Gannotti
When we met you, this is opening that picture.
00:03:13.750 --> 00:03:19.900
Sue Vencill
Well, it didn't open up, but it takes what's in that picture an opens it up inside the immersive reader, yeah?
00:03:17.080 --> 00:03:17.560
Michael Gannotti
00:03:19.520 --> 00:03:22.890
Michael Gannotti
I said, I mean it took the text from the picture and opened it.
00:03:23.120 --> 00:03:53.190
Sue Vencill
Yeah, and it gets it gets even better like this is. I'm starting with the best one first, so right now I'll go ahead and I'm going to hit play and we're going to listen to it. 1105 fortunately, the brain rewards us for a good story. One with clear good guys and bad guys. So this is 8. By the way, this is from there to lead in case you're wondering. So what I like about it is up here. I can change the size of the font now. Remember, it took these words from that picture.
00:03:24.060 --> 00:03:24.370
Michael Gannotti
00:03:53.560 --> 00:04:23.540
Sue Vencill
An open it up and immersive reader. I can change the color of the font. I can also change the type of font. There's actually studies that show an education that children do better with comic sands, so I thought that was kind of interesting and I can change the color. I can have, you know, different contrast, which is also helpful. Another thing I can do, and this is really cool, as you can tell, I have the nouns already highlighted, so I had the nouns or purple verbs.
00:04:23.590 --> 00:04:33.210
Sue Vencill
Adjectives again, that can be helpful. Ones in education and then here. This is the part that I really love the most I.
00:04:33.900 --> 00:05:04.010
Sue Vencill
I have artist put it out there. I'm legit, ADHD ated with a dash of dyslexia. OK I got I got on the full packet. Just some might say and a lot of times I'll take the same sentence and I'll read the same sentence 10 times, but it just doesn't hit me. However, this feature here makes all the difference in the world. It's 0 zeros it down. I can do it to just one line or I can do 3 lines. 3 lines seems to work really well for me and then as I hit play it will keep.
00:05:04.060 --> 00:05:14.090
Sue Vencill
3 lines at a time. Highlight it. It works really well. Now this is the part that I love. Is the translation so I can go ahead and translate the entire document.
00:05:15.210 --> 00:05:23.580
Sue Vencill
And in this case I have it changed to Spanish and now now let's take a listen Glados, but spittle minnows Elaborazione del a story.
00:05:24.530 --> 00:05:25.730
Sue Vencill
La Promesa they can have.
00:05:24.600 --> 00:05:25.040
Michael Gannotti
00:05:26.290 --> 00:05:36.730
Sue Vencill
So Lloyd, this means I could take a picture of something in Spanish. I can easily put it into one note, open up the immersive reader an it will just translate it for me and read it for me.
00:05:37.520 --> 00:05:40.040
Sue Vencill
Alright, so that's it in OneNote. Pretty cool, right?
00:05:39.560 --> 00:05:56.750
Michael Gannotti
So so before we go on. So before you move on 'cause this is important to kind of highlight where we're hitting. So with that response with the immersive reader. So first of all you brought in image in right you were able to offset image it did oh see it. OCR did.
00:05:40.390 --> 00:05:40.960
Kendra Burgess
Yeah, that's.
00:05:41.690 --> 00:05:42.170
Sue Vencill
00:05:51.250 --> 00:05:51.570
Sue Vencill
00:05:56.870 --> 00:05:57.290
Sue Vencill
00:05:57.710 --> 00:06:27.460
Michael Gannotti
And it brought that into the immersive reader, so now you had, for those who may be visually impaired, we've brought it in. We brought in, and we've taken an image with text and made it available through auditory. For those who are visually impaired for those who may suffer visual and also with visual impairment, you can do the high contrasts and those who need accessibility via language. Barrier's you brought that in as well?
00:06:00.760 --> 00:06:01.170
Sue Vencill
00:06:14.560 --> 00:06:15.060
Sue Vencill
00:06:22.110 --> 00:06:22.490
Sue Vencill
00:06:27.510 --> 00:06:29.320
Sue Vencill
Exactly, that's a great recap.
00:06:29.240 --> 00:06:31.180
Michael Gannotti
That's flipping awesome.
00:06:30.740 --> 00:06:43.840
Sue Vencill
Right, I know it's very exciting, so let me show you the rest of the demos will be shorter because you know, you seen you seen it in one. You see him all. Pretty much. This is what it looks like here in Word. Again, we're going to go to view.
00:06:31.990 --> 00:06:32.350
Michael Gannotti
00:06:45.220 --> 00:06:47.220
Sue Vencill
We're going to go. I'm sorry.
00:06:49.010 --> 00:06:51.040
Sue Vencill
Right here we're going to go.
00:06:53.910 --> 00:06:55.500
Sue Vencill
To read out loud.
00:07:01.750 --> 00:07:02.730
Sue Vencill
I lost it.
00:07:03.790 --> 00:07:34.130
Sue Vencill
There it is, so it's under view. It's where you're going to find it. It does look a little bit different, but again I can do my favorite. My favorite highlight one line at a time. I can also adjust the column width, so that's kind of cool here. I just shortened it a little bit, but I'm going to make it as wide as possible. I can also change the page color, which is what we were talking about before, and let's go ahead. We're done to matically check spelling and grammar and marks misspelled words with the red squiggly, underline grammatical glitches get a blue.
00:07:34.260 --> 00:07:55.770
Sue Vencill
Now, if I don't like this guy's voice, I can also change that. There's a couple other voices here I can also, so that was Mark's who you were just listening to. I feel like Mark has the best inflection for me, but we also have David and Zira. Maybe I don't know how to pronounce your name, but look I can also adjust the speed as well.
00:07:56.850 --> 00:08:05.870
Sue Vencill
But you're concerned about an interesting graph, right? Something working. Keep up with that. Alright, so that's what it looks like in Word. Next, I'm going to show it to you in edge.
00:08:03.850 --> 00:08:04.450
Michael Gannotti
Very cool.
00:08:07.510 --> 00:08:29.050
Sue Vencill
So here with Edge I would just. I'm going to highlight the first word I'm going to right click. I'm going to say read aloud from here. One of the coolest features teams has today is the ability to add or transfer calls and meeting and again this bar shows up up here at the top an I can also change the speed. I can change the voice as well and then Yep.
00:08:27.590 --> 00:08:28.220
Michael Gannotti
So then.
00:08:29.100 --> 00:08:51.250
Michael Gannotti
I was gonna say so. The one was documents, but I mean just for everyday activities. Now if you're using Edge browser with the has with immersive reader capability now as you cruise the entire web again, visual impairment, the ability to go and to have it actually just read those pages aloud.
00:08:46.270 --> 00:08:46.590
Sue Vencill
00:08:51.560 --> 00:08:53.700
Sue Vencill
Yeah, and this is going to oh go ahead, Kendra.
00:08:51.980 --> 00:08:52.250
Kendra Burgess
00:08:53.940 --> 00:09:24.540
Kendra Burgess
I was just gonna add to that Michael and for those that just you know have different styles of learning. I have a many articles I have to keep up with and sometimes I'll have them on another monitor. I have their reader going while I'm creating a demo or something like that an I'm internalizing what I'm hearing and and you know if I don't always have time to read. At least I'm getting some information and when it peaks my interest I focus on whatever that topic might be. I find it really helpful from a learning perspective.
00:09:00.650 --> 00:09:01.080
Michael Gannotti
00:09:24.990 --> 00:09:29.120
Sue Vencill
Yeah agreed, agreed. I love being able to adjust the speed as well.
00:09:26.410 --> 00:09:26.750
Kendra Burgess
00:09:29.770 --> 00:09:30.630
Kendra Burgess
Yeah, that's true.
00:09:30.810 --> 00:09:35.400
Sue Vencill
You know, because I can go a lot faster if the words are being highlighted for me.
00:09:35.670 --> 00:09:36.100
Michael Gannotti
00:09:36.550 --> 00:09:39.390
Sue Vencill
I can explain it, but tell my brain is wired.
00:09:41.280 --> 00:09:46.670
Sue Vencill
So this is edge. Oh OK, now the last one will show you is in teams.
00:09:47.900 --> 00:09:49.570
Sue Vencill
Give me one second.
00:09:50.400 --> 00:10:20.680
Sue Vencill
Alright, so now you're seeing my teams actually created a team. I I invited some of you guys just for this and here the way it works is you got it. Look on the message, hit the three dots and then you will see the immersive reader. That's where you'll find it in teams and we go ahead and this. This should all look familiar. Just like before, I really like being able to. Yeah, I can make it so it breaks out in syllables. I like seeing my nouns.
00:10:20.730 --> 00:10:38.120
Sue Vencill
Add some color and here again I can pick the language if I want it to translate it, but you know, I really like seeing my lines. I like seeing 3 lines at a time and also here just like before changing the contrast, changing the font. Or I can also change the size of text.
00:10:38.800 --> 00:10:45.560
Sue Vencill
And then I hit play in this in Sue Vencill let Monday, June 14th, 2020 one 10:21 AM.
00:10:46.360 --> 00:10:48.120
Sue Vencill
What's new in teams for June?
00:10:48.920 --> 00:10:55.390
Sue Vencill
Add or transfer call to device and there you go and that's how it works. In teams it's just in there.
00:10:55.910 --> 00:11:08.530
Michael Gannotti
Wow, that is very that is very cool. So if people are looking to learn more about it, immersive reader. Do we have some links? Will be able to put into the blog post.
00:11:08.540 --> 00:11:21.610
Sue Vencill
We got links, and if you're like me you might do what I did and I went to YouTube and there are so many demos out there and people doing some really neat things with the immersive reader. So yeah, we got some links. Happy share.
00:11:21.010 --> 00:11:29.010
Michael Gannotti
Alright, so yeah, make sure to file those over to me and we'll put those in resources. Well, thank you Sue. That was awesome.
00:11:26.650 --> 00:11:27.100
Sue Vencill
I will.
00:11:27.910 --> 00:11:28.480
Sue Vencill
00:11:29.150 --> 00:11:29.780
Sue Vencill
Thanks guys.
00:11:31.160 --> 00:11:39.390
Michael Gannotti
Next up with iOS dictation in Outlook and word Scott Moore.
00:11:43.210 --> 00:12:15.210
Scott Moore
Yeah, so definitely want to highlight today there's some new features that came out that were announced earlier last week around Microsoft dictation for I OS. So originally these these features and capabilities were there in the desktop versions of office as well as the word version of iOS, but it's now been extended for outlook for your iOS devices specifically for iPhones and iPads, so it's really cool because it gives you that capability that you can now do dictation.
00:12:16.110 --> 00:12:23.500
Scott Moore
Directly on those devices will share my screen. There's actually a blog article that we will share as part of this.
00:12:26.670 --> 00:12:28.660
Scott Moore
We found the article on my screen.
00:12:31.310 --> 00:12:59.040
Scott Moore
So in this article it definitely goes through. This talks about that. Also. This will be later about because I have the availability later this year on Android, but it is definitely there today for iOS devices. Truly cool. Also in the article there's a YouTube article YouTube video that goes into a deeper dive so it really gives you that ability that from your iOS device you can do dictation. You know directly from those devices in outlook.
00:13:00.260 --> 00:13:08.000
Scott Moore
It's pretty snazzy, so you have those capabilities today under Windows and Mac, but now it's also been extended to iOS devices.
00:13:08.710 --> 00:13:14.780
Michael Gannotti
Yeah, and I just while you're doing that, I pulled up my iPhone and there's a little microphone right here.
00:13:16.330 --> 00:13:17.660
Kendra Burgess
You can show it again, Michael.
00:13:18.140 --> 00:13:21.570
Michael Gannotti
Yeah, so I mean I'm in here and I OS, right?
00:13:21.360 --> 00:13:22.470
Kendra Burgess
Yeah, yeah.
00:13:22.080 --> 00:13:31.950
Michael Gannotti
Oh, there we go in my family email and write down here. You know they have the add like the image little paper clip. Take a picture.
00:13:32.410 --> 00:13:38.420
Michael Gannotti
Uh, formatting, and then there's a microphone at the very end, so if I select that.
00:13:40.130 --> 00:13:51.200
Michael Gannotti
Says it's listening and if I start talking it starts typing and there it goes. You can see it's taking dictation as I'm talking here. That's pretty cool.
00:13:50.400 --> 00:13:50.920
Kendra Burgess
00:13:50.790 --> 00:13:52.090
Scott Moore
That's that's pretty cool.
00:13:51.490 --> 00:13:51.880
Kendra Burgess
00:13:52.590 --> 00:13:53.000
Kendra Burgess
00:13:53.370 --> 00:14:04.980
Scott Moore
So it says that there's actually multiple language support, so you have dictation support for seven new locales, Hindi, Thai, Chinese, Korean, Polish, Russian and Portuguese. So pretty slick.
00:14:05.820 --> 00:14:12.410
Scott Moore
Uh, Outlook Mobile is currently only available for English US to however currently so.
00:14:13.150 --> 00:14:13.980
Kendra Burgess
Any idea?
00:14:13.270 --> 00:14:16.840
Scott Moore
So there is and there will be additional language support plan in the future.
00:14:17.660 --> 00:14:21.830
Kendra Burgess
Sorry I had any idea when it will be available for Android.
00:14:22.970 --> 00:14:30.050
Scott Moore
That's a great question. The article didn't say it just basically said coming soon to Android, so I would assume later this year.
00:14:30.410 --> 00:14:31.340
Kendra Burgess
OK, great.
00:14:30.800 --> 00:14:32.150
Scott Moore
We got to follow up on that.
00:14:32.900 --> 00:14:36.480
Kendra Burgess
OK, otherwise I'm getting an apple and I had an iPhone.
00:14:37.920 --> 00:14:38.280
Scott Moore
00:14:39.870 --> 00:14:41.480
Scott Moore
But well, that's my supply, the.
00:14:40.170 --> 00:14:46.770
Michael Gannotti
When I left Windows when I left the the fun of Windows Phone, which is still the greatest phone OS?
00:14:47.770 --> 00:14:49.240
Michael Gannotti
World ever seen?
00:14:49.570 --> 00:14:50.320
Scott Moore
00:14:51.090 --> 00:15:22.740
Michael Gannotti
When I left yes my Nokia when I had I gotta say I have a picture from like I want to say going on 10 years now. I mean it's a long time ago off of the 10:00 to 10:40 or 10:20. I forget the name but it had a 40 megapixel camera back then and I had a picture where I was driving and across the fields in a farm was a barn with its door open and I went snap as I'm driving down the highway by.
00:15:23.060 --> 00:15:33.610
Michael Gannotti
Later I did a thing where you have it and then you have the zoom in in a circle and you could see a tractor inside the barn across the hills and I'm like.
00:15:31.260 --> 00:15:31.920
Kendra Burgess
Oh wow.
00:15:35.350 --> 00:15:40.200
Michael Gannotti
IPhone can't do that. Why don't I have so? But now my phone.
00:15:41.410 --> 00:15:44.060
Michael Gannotti
But I digress. That has nothing to do with accessibility.
00:15:44.690 --> 00:15:45.630
Sue Vencill
No it doesn't.
00:15:45.220 --> 00:15:46.920
Michael Gannotti
Thank you Scott. That was awesome.
00:15:46.520 --> 00:15:52.410
Scott Moore
Yep, so we'll give it. Will give everyone a link and the link also has the embedded YouTube video in that as well, OK?
00:15:50.090 --> 00:15:50.420
Michael Gannotti
00:15:53.680 --> 00:15:57.650
Michael Gannotti
So that means now if you're you're in your Tesla.
00:15:58.930 --> 00:16:09.160
Michael Gannotti
And it's driving itself and you have your feet up on the dash. My probably causing some discarnation disk. I can't even say the word. I don't even know.
00:16:09.340 --> 00:16:10.850
Sue Vencill
I just know that's not recommended.
00:16:11.080 --> 00:16:18.980
Michael Gannotti
It's probably not recommended, but if you did, if you were doing unrecommended activity, you could dictate you, say iPhone.
00:16:19.830 --> 00:16:21.880
Michael Gannotti
Take a dictation send an email.
00:16:22.950 --> 00:16:24.030
Michael Gannotti
While you play the game.
00:16:24.480 --> 00:16:24.890
Scott Moore
00:16:26.380 --> 00:16:33.190
Sue Vencill
Again, we're not recommending this, and this is the not the views of Microsoft, nor is Microsoft condoning that.
00:16:28.820 --> 00:16:30.330
Michael Gannotti
No, I never.
00:16:33.490 --> 00:16:33.880
Michael Gannotti
00:16:34.450 --> 00:16:34.990
Michael Gannotti
00:16:36.350 --> 00:16:40.720
Michael Gannotti
Someday no alright, well thank you Scott. That was best. Very cool.
00:16:41.620 --> 00:16:43.410
Michael Gannotti
So up next.
00:16:44.510 --> 00:16:50.510
Michael Gannotti
Headset on 'cause he wants us not to hear the baby cry which I.
00:16:46.400 --> 00:16:47.370
Phil Urban
Hence I.
00:16:51.120 --> 00:16:57.010
Michael Gannotti
I gotta tell you fill, I am diametrically opposed to that. Crying babies are beautiful thing.
00:16:57.190 --> 00:16:57.760
Sue Vencill
I agree.
00:16:57.430 --> 00:17:05.980
Phil Urban
I'm just trying to save people's eardrums, whether it's the baby crying or the 100 pound dog designing. It wants to bark because it's a bird outside, you know, it's just.
00:17:05.290 --> 00:17:07.240
Michael Gannotti
What do you have with dog?
00:17:07.590 --> 00:17:10.440
Phil Urban
He's a Bernice mountain dog and a poodle mix, and he is.
00:17:10.430 --> 00:17:11.380
Michael Gannotti
00:17:11.360 --> 00:17:12.630
Phil Urban
He's under the desk off.
00:17:11.360 --> 00:17:14.780
Kendra Burgess
Wouldn't the pick up this noise is pretty darned well.
00:17:15.850 --> 00:17:22.260
Phil Urban
Uh, this headset? Uh, from healing actually actually Bloxham out pretty good.
00:17:23.330 --> 00:17:24.160
Kendra Burgess
00:17:23.640 --> 00:17:24.460
Michael Gannotti
very cool.
00:17:24.310 --> 00:17:29.410
Phil Urban
Yes, and I believe teams is putting some technology as well for sound isolation.
00:17:28.370 --> 00:17:28.950
Michael Gannotti
00:17:28.590 --> 00:17:29.910
Scott Moore
Active yeah yeah.
00:17:30.420 --> 00:17:32.120
Phil Urban
So the two combined have been.
00:17:30.480 --> 00:17:30.830
Michael Gannotti
00:17:33.310 --> 00:17:35.440
Phil Urban
For lack of better terms, pretty darn good that.
00:17:36.600 --> 00:17:39.930
Phil Urban
Keeping only the sound that we want to hear in teams.
00:17:40.010 --> 00:17:43.550
Michael Gannotti
I I have to say, would you just said that the two combined?
00:17:44.350 --> 00:17:49.520
Michael Gannotti
My head from raising children years ago anyway, guess.
00:17:50.670 --> 00:17:52.250
Michael Gannotti
Are something combined.
00:17:53.710 --> 00:18:02.400
Michael Gannotti
Hi I am Captain planet. Well I'm really dating myself. I just you know my brain operates in different ways.
00:17:57.710 --> 00:17:58.780
Sue Vencill
I think you just did.
00:18:03.840 --> 00:18:12.060
Michael Gannotti
It's wired a little different. Phil go ahead. I'm going to shut up. You're going to talk about Windows, OS accessibility settings and I'm excited about this.
00:18:12.110 --> 00:18:12.700
Sue Vencill
Be gentle.
00:18:13.220 --> 00:18:19.120
Phil Urban
Yes, uh, working to see how well this works, specially with the sound come through for Windows, but they will give it a shot.
00:18:20.470 --> 00:18:22.440
Phil Urban
So built into.
00:18:23.020 --> 00:18:30.190
Phil Urban
Windows 10, Microsoft spent some ease of access settings, so to access these you're going to your start menu.
00:18:31.040 --> 00:18:43.380
Phil Urban
And open up settings. That's did that on the other monitor, so it's up over here now and you're looking for ease of access over here when you click that there's a whole slew of.
00:18:44.040 --> 00:18:55.930
Phil Urban
Ease of access options. Down the left side and each of these kind of can help with various abilities or just making your life.
00:18:56.880 --> 00:19:08.220
Phil Urban
Easier on a day to day basis. Some of these I can demo. Sometimes I'm gonna skip because it takes a couple of seconds. Friend actually turn on and just for the sake of peoples.
00:19:09.150 --> 00:19:12.630
Phil Urban
Time and demo purposes. Well, just let them go back and talk.
00:19:11.700 --> 00:19:12.090
Kendra Burgess
00:19:13.340 --> 00:19:13.760
Phil Urban
Go ahead.
00:19:13.360 --> 00:19:16.760
Kendra Burgess
For the webcast reasons, can you name off some of those for us?
00:19:17.190 --> 00:19:34.790
Phil Urban
Yeah, sure, I'm gonna go through each of them as we go through, so we're going to start off with display on here and this allows you to change how all of the texts on your in your operating system shows up. You know, in the big one here for people that are.
00:19:35.790 --> 00:19:36.910
Phil Urban
Visually challenged.
00:19:37.310 --> 00:19:53.080
Phil Urban
Uh, is is changing the text size of everything, so there's a slider here that you can drag from small to large, and if I hit apply right below this it will change all of the text in Windows to significantly larger.
00:19:54.070 --> 00:20:04.520
Phil Urban
So it starts out as low as 100% standard size for everything and scales all the way up to 200 and 225% tax eyes. I tested this.
00:20:05.790 --> 00:20:09.510
Phil Urban
Last week I believe, and yes it makes everything bigger.
00:20:10.310 --> 00:20:13.630
Phil Urban
Uh, I can really help if you are having a hard time reading the text on your screen.
00:20:15.300 --> 00:20:19.960
Michael Gannotti
I've got to know, especially with some of the various devices were doing with Windows now.
00:20:20.380 --> 00:20:20.700
Scott Moore
00:20:20.850 --> 00:20:34.370
Michael Gannotti
So the you get I I do know like I've done that on my phone right on my iPhone, but certainly if you have a smaller tablet size or Windows type device that I know that would be helpful.
00:20:34.760 --> 00:20:43.260
Sue Vencill
I don't know, you might, but I get made fun of all the time, especially if someone like a couple rows back can like read my text messages. You know, it's like.
00:20:34.870 --> 00:20:35.580
Phil Urban
00:20:44.540 --> 00:20:47.420
Sue Vencill
Gosh, kids are brutal, brutal.
00:20:48.600 --> 00:20:51.590
Phil Urban
I'm sorry I may have done that once or twice in my past.
00:20:53.820 --> 00:20:55.260
Sue Vencill
I should I knew it.
00:20:54.860 --> 00:20:56.350
Michael Gannotti
So that's display.
00:20:56.530 --> 00:21:25.860
Phil Urban
So that's that's display. There's more in display to know that we can, you know, turned animations on off, turn transparency off, hide some scrollbars. So really allows you to customize Windows to make it easier for you to use one of the thing that's in your two. We can change brightness or use night light. Light light is a great feature in Windows that not a lot of people know about, and it's you can click link right in right in that display options. It will take you to your display settings.
00:21:26.760 --> 00:21:45.000
Phil Urban
And what night little did actually adjust the color temperature of your mind there is to make it less strain full for your eyes at night so you can turn it on manually. Or if you dig deeper into the night light settings you can have it turned on and off at the schedule. So I have mine set to automatically turn on night light. 1 sunset happens.
00:21:45.660 --> 00:21:52.370
Phil Urban
And then turn off. Once sunrise happens. You know it really makes it easier to use your computer during later darker hours.
00:21:53.150 --> 00:21:55.400
Phil Urban
So we go back a couples.
00:21:54.440 --> 00:21:58.790
Scott Moore
That's probably also pretty good for those nine hour gamers.
00:21:59.510 --> 00:22:00.110
Scott Moore
Like the
00:22:01.040 --> 00:22:02.330
Phil Urban
I'm very guilty of that.
00:22:04.210 --> 00:22:08.960
Kendra Burgess
Or anyone that lives in a state that does not have that much sun, like Oregon.
00:22:04.620 --> 00:22:05.150
Phil Urban
00:22:10.180 --> 00:22:12.170
Kendra Burgess
I'm thinking about doing it during the daylight.
00:22:10.860 --> 00:22:11.660
Phil Urban
00:22:14.760 --> 00:22:22.690
Phil Urban
So moving on through the ease of access things, you know next one here was have mouse pointer. This ones nice and easy 'cause you can just drag your mouse pointer and make it huge.
00:22:22.770 --> 00:22:23.360
Michael Gannotti
00:22:24.240 --> 00:22:34.680
Phil Urban
Similarly, you can change the pointer color, so if you like black the white outline you wanna do high contrast, it automatically changes the contrast of your pointer as you move it around and see if I can.
00:22:35.460 --> 00:22:39.360
Phil Urban
Do something here so it's changing contrast as we move. Makes it really easy to see.
00:22:39.590 --> 00:22:40.280
Kendra Burgess
That's nice.
00:22:39.860 --> 00:22:41.240
Michael Gannotti
Wow, that's cool.
00:22:41.390 --> 00:22:44.880
Phil Urban
Uh, then of course in go and set custom colors for your.
00:22:45.680 --> 00:22:47.590
Phil Urban
Well as well. So really customize and make it.
00:22:46.610 --> 00:22:47.600
Michael Gannotti
Oh boy.
00:22:48.790 --> 00:22:52.230
Phil Urban
Make it so that you can actually see that point. If you're having a hard time.
00:22:53.210 --> 00:22:57.390
Michael Gannotti
I'm not letting my wife watch this. She's gonna make me put a custom color on hers.
00:22:54.250 --> 00:22:54.620
Phil Urban
Use that.
00:22:58.770 --> 00:23:00.090
Michael Gannotti
I already know what it is.
00:23:00.450 --> 00:23:02.730
Kendra Burgess
it's so easy she could do it herself.
00:23:04.670 --> 00:23:10.400
Phil Urban
So yeah, it in here too. There's also the other the visual feedback when you trust something, you see a little.
00:23:06.390 --> 00:23:06.840
Michael Gannotti
00:23:11.080 --> 00:23:21.340
Phil Urban
Full circle pop up if you're using the touch screen like it's hard to demonstrate that just messing keyboard, but that's in there as well. Next we have text cursor which says something similar except when you're using a cursor.
00:23:22.470 --> 00:23:25.180
Phil Urban
So I'm going to turn this this guy on and make it.
00:23:25.930 --> 00:23:28.060
Phil Urban
As big as I can just for visual purposes.
00:23:28.790 --> 00:23:32.620
Phil Urban
And let's make it a bright pink, uh?
00:23:31.880 --> 00:23:33.440
Michael Gannotti
That's that's the color.
00:23:35.270 --> 00:23:37.410
Phil Urban
So we're going to go up. Just open up Notepad here.
00:23:37.720 --> 00:23:38.270
Michael Gannotti
00:23:38.000 --> 00:23:46.960
Phil Urban
Just have some generic lhermitte, some text and it's nice easy way say hey where's my cursor when you're staring at that giant screen? The text?
00:23:40.820 --> 00:23:41.320
Michael Gannotti
00:23:47.640 --> 00:23:48.580
Phil Urban
Point it out to you.
00:23:49.330 --> 00:23:50.040
Phil Urban
Right away.
00:23:50.490 --> 00:23:51.070
Kendra Burgess
Love it.
00:23:54.540 --> 00:24:11.550
Phil Urban
Next on the list here magnifier this does exactly what it sounds like it does. It will take your what's that was on your screen and just make it all bigger. Now. The difference between this and what we talked about earlier in display and changing the text size.
00:24:12.940 --> 00:24:38.550
Phil Urban
Displays only the change that text at all the images and windows. All that's still gonna be the same magnifier will literally zoom everything into ever percentage you set this to to the point where you actually have to move your mouse to the edge of the screen to scroll your entire desktop. May sound inconvenient for people that don't need this functionality, but if you need to be able to make everything bigger it can.
00:24:39.250 --> 00:24:39.780
Phil Urban
00:24:40.760 --> 00:24:43.170
Phil Urban
World of difference for you as you.
00:24:45.200 --> 00:24:50.300
Phil Urban
As you're using your computer day today and also have some shortcuts, if you want to turn it on and on their off, you know.
00:24:51.210 --> 00:24:51.680
Phil Urban
00:24:53.570 --> 00:25:00.500
Phil Urban
This one is harder to to demo because it will take a couple seconds to actually turn on for the first time.
00:24:58.340 --> 00:24:58.780
Michael Gannotti
00:25:02.210 --> 00:25:04.560
Phil Urban
Color filters this one actually might be my favorite.
00:25:06.830 --> 00:25:29.270
Phil Urban
Mostly because I had former coworkers, you know, talking to Meade as we were trying to talk about Windows 10. How can help improve the business world and migraine from about 7 Windows servicing so on so forth. They said, yeah, I'm colorblind. I have a hard time seeing the colors in our in our sales documents or even internal documents like hey Windows 10 has.
00:25:29.970 --> 00:26:00.390
Phil Urban
Something called color filters. I just turned it on here and it has a handful of settings here. Inverted, grayscale, grayscale inverted. But the the big ones here are ones built for color blindness, an Microsoft actually built in the three different types of color blindness that are classified today online. We could try and save them because I can't push the red green color blindness with green being weak red, green color blindness with red being weak.
00:26:00.790 --> 00:26:07.920
Phil Urban
And blue yellow color blindness. And it actually takes all the colors that are being displayed and adjust them accordingly to help.
00:26:08.950 --> 00:26:09.940
Phil Urban
People are colorblind.
00:26:12.800 --> 00:26:16.220
Phil Urban
So really great, not so well known feature right there.
00:26:17.090 --> 00:26:44.530
Sue Vencill
You know, that's really cool. It reminds me of something too. I think a lot of times when people are talking bout accessibility. They think of maybe someone that can't have access to that can't use their hands or blind or death. But I was I was doing some research. 70% of those folks that need help. It's more learning. It's more of a, whether it's a learning disability or Altice tick or.
00:26:44.580 --> 00:26:53.120
Sue Vencill
Dyslexia. It's more of the things that you can't see. So color blind mice makes me think about you. Know, I probably know lots of people are colorblind, but I don't know it.
00:26:53.750 --> 00:26:55.090
Sue Vencill
I can't can't tell.
00:26:53.880 --> 00:26:54.680
Phil Urban
Yeah, I.
00:26:55.810 --> 00:27:02.700
Phil Urban
Yeah, like to my coworkers sunglass company. I've no idea. They just casually mention it mentioned that one day I'm like, oh, there's a way that.
00:26:59.700 --> 00:27:00.220
Sue Vencill
00:27:03.550 --> 00:27:04.300
Phil Urban
You can be helped.
00:27:04.810 --> 00:27:06.260
Sue Vencill
Yeah, it's cool.
00:27:07.160 --> 00:27:25.880
Phil Urban
So similar to the color blindness, you can turn on and off. High contrast high contrast mode. This one does take a second to turn on, but it will do exactly what it does or what it says it does and adjust the colors on the screen so everything is high contrast. If you're having a hard time seeing two things like yellow and white or.
00:27:26.600 --> 00:27:30.720
Phil Urban
Or light blue on the white. It can definitely help.
00:27:31.770 --> 00:27:33.220
Phil Urban
I just those colors accordingly.
00:27:35.420 --> 00:27:46.660
Phil Urban
That right there is another fun one. Just like we saw earlier. It's does exactly what it says it's going to do is good. Go in and read text for you off your screen. So I'm going to turn this on.
00:27:50.000 --> 00:27:58.170
Phil Urban
Yeah, we're going to close that one there and it. I don't know if you can hear it or if the sound is coming through, but if I open up a window here.
00:27:58.960 --> 00:28:00.920
Phil Urban
I'll see if I can crank this louder.
00:28:03.110 --> 00:28:04.560
Phil Urban
And if it doesn't work, that's OK.
00:28:07.390 --> 00:28:08.380
Michael Gannotti
Yeah, we're not here.
00:28:07.500 --> 00:28:11.800
Phil Urban
Of course it's it's not working. Yeah, that's what happens when you try and do demos.
00:28:10.680 --> 00:28:12.720
Kendra Burgess
This is the baby.
00:28:14.250 --> 00:28:39.290
Phil Urban
Yeah, I've been having some trouble getting teams to play sound, and that's my own personal setup, but it was it turned off. That's why. But when you turn it on and you go into, let's just say a web page, it will actually read through everything on this page. So when I did this before we started, it actually ran out. Join us to see what's next for Windows. Watch the live stream 6/24/21 at 11:00 AM. So on and so forth.
00:28:40.000 --> 00:28:48.820
Kendra Burgess
So it is so you wouldn't have to turn on the immersive reader everywhere you go, it would just be natively on for every application you own.
00:28:40.250 --> 00:28:40.870
Sue Vencill
00:28:49.580 --> 00:28:56.270
Phil Urban
So it's a slightly different use case, right? So immersive reader is sitting there reading the document to you as your.
00:28:49.810 --> 00:28:50.010
Kendra Burgess
00:28:52.060 --> 00:28:52.320
Michael Gannotti
00:28:57.220 --> 00:28:58.670
Phil Urban
As you're looking through it.
00:29:00.790 --> 00:29:17.470
Phil Urban
And correct me if I'm wrong in the immersive reader side, 'cause I personally haven't used it as much narrower. If you go into were there, you go into notepad and you if you click a word, it's gonna read that word. Or if you open up a website, it's going to read.
00:29:18.350 --> 00:29:27.600
Phil Urban
The text that's here and there's alternate text behind something that's going to read that alternate text as well. It's it's designed.
00:29:24.150 --> 00:29:24.570
Kendra Burgess
00:29:28.800 --> 00:29:30.290
Phil Urban
More for.
00:29:32.250 --> 00:29:43.400
Phil Urban
Those that are, I believe it's visually impaired than relying that that auditory feedback where immersive reader I think is more the use cases more targeted at.
00:29:44.830 --> 00:29:46.430
Phil Urban
I want someone to read this.
00:29:47.100 --> 00:29:47.740
Phil Urban
To me.
00:29:48.330 --> 00:29:52.620
Michael Gannotti
It's yeah, it's elective versus automatic, right? So immersive use.
00:29:52.150 --> 00:29:53.490
Phil Urban
I think that's a good way to put it.
00:29:53.430 --> 00:30:06.500
Michael Gannotti
It's a purposeful selection, but with the windows then it's you know when you have that, then anywhere there's tax or like you said behind the scenes, it's it's delivering that to you with the anticipation that you are.
00:30:07.280 --> 00:30:08.580
Michael Gannotti
Visually disabled.
00:30:09.520 --> 00:30:11.810
Phil Urban
Oh, there we go now. It's actually working this crank the volume.
00:30:18.610 --> 00:30:24.000
Michael Gannotti
Yeah, we're not hearing it over here. It's your it's your system settings, probably with your.
00:30:19.890 --> 00:30:21.680
Phil Urban
Yeah, OK, worth a shot.
00:30:24.670 --> 00:30:28.910
Phil Urban
Just like I was saying before, the headset helps block out everything except for my voice.
00:30:27.880 --> 00:30:31.260
Michael Gannotti
Yes, blocking it off.
00:30:33.830 --> 00:30:34.900
Phil Urban
OK, where do you turn that off?
00:30:34.090 --> 00:30:36.090
Michael Gannotti
So what about have real quickly?
00:30:36.610 --> 00:30:39.900
Phil Urban
We're going to go through the rest of these pretty quickly, so you know.
00:30:40.830 --> 00:30:50.170
Phil Urban
Under the hearing settings that we have audio in, this is straight up. Let's just make the volume louder. I can scroll this up and down using my standard volume knob on my machine.
00:30:51.540 --> 00:30:52.960
Phil Urban
There goes the dog moving something.
00:30:54.310 --> 00:31:00.250
Phil Urban
Closed captions I haven't personally used this, but we're seeing it in action, but my understanding is is that.
00:31:01.780 --> 00:31:04.780
Phil Urban
Any audio that your computer is playing.
00:31:05.730 --> 00:31:06.850
Phil Urban
Bill live transcribe it.
00:31:08.400 --> 00:31:21.340
Michael Gannotti
That's cool, that's new for me. I've I've done the the commands, the voice, and I've done the audio. You know automatically and demo that, but I have not seen this in OS.
00:31:21.930 --> 00:31:45.900
Phil Urban
Yeah, I've been seeing this at either. I'm not on any preview builds on this machine, so this is in the current build of Windows 10. I am going to find some documentation about this or whatever dictation I can find and will include that in the description here, but from what from the little bit that I've read about it, it seems pretty cool. Again, reading all the content that.
00:31:30.060 --> 00:31:30.490
Michael Gannotti
00:31:33.030 --> 00:31:33.500
Michael Gannotti
00:31:37.290 --> 00:31:37.840
Michael Gannotti
00:31:38.140 --> 00:31:38.850
Kendra Burgess
Yeah, that be great.
00:31:46.880 --> 00:31:48.990
Phil Urban
Your computer is playing audibly.
00:31:50.580 --> 00:32:00.330
Phil Urban
Uh, then going down into how we interact with your machine you can do speech to text so you can talk to your computer and turn on speech recognition and.
00:31:55.080 --> 00:31:55.280
Michael Gannotti
00:32:00.880 --> 00:32:11.690
Phil Urban
Uh, start to use your voice to control your machine. Again, this isn't one that I've read a lot about, but I'm going to find some links that we can include on here. Hopefully find some other demos out there.
00:32:10.180 --> 00:32:10.640
Michael Gannotti
00:32:11.620 --> 00:32:30.970
Michael Gannotti
It's pretty cool. It's a it allows you to do that across. I mean, I remember first time I demo that feature. This was back when it was we didn't call him. Tablets were Windows slate devices. They were running Windows 7 and being able to show just like opening word and start talking and.
00:32:31.770 --> 00:32:39.060
Michael Gannotti
My blah blah blah blah blah blah again. Somebody who may you know in that case have a disability with their hands or.
00:32:39.330 --> 00:32:39.730
Phil Urban
00:32:40.110 --> 00:32:58.050
Michael Gannotti
And and also the ability to just plain open it like the demo that I used to do it again. It was Windows 7 was giving the command to open windows, windows opened start dictating blah blah blah blah blah close save sand, email the whole bit.
00:32:55.080 --> 00:32:55.470
Phil Urban
00:32:58.650 --> 00:33:00.000
Michael Gannotti
So it's pretty wack.
00:32:58.860 --> 00:33:02.460
Phil Urban
You can do it all without ever touching a keyboard or mouse.
00:33:01.960 --> 00:33:04.580
Michael Gannotti
Yeah, no physical interaction. It's cool.
00:33:05.560 --> 00:33:21.390
Phil Urban
Keyboard one this one's. There's lots of settings here. I'm sure we're all guilty of accidentally turning on sticky keys and not being able to figure out how we turned it on to try and turn it off and digging through the control panel to turn it off. If you didn't want it, but there are lots of settings here under keyboard, the.
00:33:22.240 --> 00:33:28.620
Phil Urban
One that's I find very useful, especially coming from the consulting world and delivery world trying to.
00:33:29.450 --> 00:33:33.430
Phil Urban
Yeah, build task sequences to deploy Windows 10 is the on screen keyboard.
00:33:34.230 --> 00:33:39.660
Phil Urban
Sometimes you mess up the drivers and the on screen keyboard. The only way that you have to actually.
00:33:41.190 --> 00:33:48.550
Phil Urban
Type content into the window to recover your machine, but it can be very helpful for.
00:33:49.190 --> 00:33:59.250
Phil Urban
Those that can't use a mouse or can't use a keyboard. If you combine this with one that we talked about here in the sexyy control can definitely be very, very useful.
00:34:01.120 --> 00:34:09.690
Phil Urban
Sticky keys lets you push one key at a time, so if you want to press control alt delete, you only have to hold all three at once. You can hit control and hit all thing hit delete and it'll.
00:34:10.670 --> 00:34:12.730
Phil Urban
Push all all three for you.
00:34:15.600 --> 00:34:24.680
Phil Urban
There is togglekeys, so do you want to push it holds your caps lock or just tap it once filterkeys if maybe have some sort of.
00:34:25.750 --> 00:34:30.870
Phil Urban
It's a trailer or, you know, your hands or fingers aren't as steady if you accidentally hit a key.
00:34:31.550 --> 00:34:34.070
Phil Urban
Once or twice 2 fast. This can help filter out.
00:34:34.680 --> 00:34:36.000
Phil Urban
Those types of actions.
00:34:36.190 --> 00:34:36.870
Kendra Burgess
00:34:38.850 --> 00:34:42.530
Phil Urban
Yeah, I could definitely see some use case for that.
00:34:42.580 --> 00:34:46.790
Phil Urban
'cause I'm blanking on the condition.
00:34:47.190 --> 00:34:50.860
Kendra Burgess
Oh I know Alzheimer's Parkinson's yeah.
00:34:48.400 --> 00:34:49.620
Phil Urban
Uh, Parkinson's.
00:34:51.290 --> 00:34:51.720
Phil Urban
00:34:52.060 --> 00:34:53.030
Kendra Burgess
Yeah, so goodbye.
00:34:52.520 --> 00:34:56.980
Phil Urban
Yeah, try to make try make that easier for those types of you, those users.
00:34:59.100 --> 00:35:04.940
Phil Urban
A couple other ones here. They know you can do screenshot with print screen, it just changes some.
00:35:05.980 --> 00:35:08.480
Phil Urban
Other ways it's keyboard interacts with the OS.
00:35:11.410 --> 00:35:16.510
Phil Urban
Going on to mouse this ones interesting. You can actually control your mouse.
00:35:17.290 --> 00:35:29.390
Phil Urban
With the NUM pad on your device, so let's see if if I actually set up right. Yeah, there we go. So my mouse is now moving around the screen I'm just using.
00:35:30.030 --> 00:35:32.260
Phil Urban
The NUM pad on the side of my.
00:35:33.220 --> 00:35:34.300
Phil Urban
I'm sorry my keyboard here.
00:35:35.860 --> 00:35:40.690
Kendra Burgess
Well, good for people with carpal tunnel that have difficulty in pain with the mouse.
00:35:41.190 --> 00:35:45.640
Scott Moore
Does it like directional? So if you like get the Yankee it goes up.
00:35:41.290 --> 00:35:42.080
Phil Urban
Yep, absolutely.
00:35:46.120 --> 00:35:54.760
Phil Urban
Yeah, eight key goes up. Two key goes down, nine goes up and right 7UP and left now let's see a 5 design thing.
00:35:52.180 --> 00:35:52.740
Kendra Burgess
00:35:55.830 --> 00:35:56.790
Phil Urban
05 is click.
00:35:58.230 --> 00:35:58.650
Scott Moore
00:36:01.080 --> 00:36:11.390
Kendra Burgess
Chris, if you have a keyboard that's got the roller ball on it, maybe that's less painful than using the mouse. Or maybe it's easier 'cause you're still using fingers for that, but.
00:36:11.620 --> 00:36:20.440
Phil Urban
Yeah, I mean, I don't think there's a right way or wrong way. Yeah, it's about putting options out to users to find what works for them.
00:36:15.470 --> 00:36:16.290
Kendra Burgess
Yeah yeah, yeah.
00:36:21.100 --> 00:36:21.850
Kendra Burgess
Yeah, I love it.
00:36:21.370 --> 00:36:31.430
Phil Urban
And the the last one that's built right into Windows. Here is I control. I don't have the hardware to do this, but I've seen it in action and it works exactly how it sounds like. It worked as a.
00:36:30.110 --> 00:36:30.530
Michael Gannotti
00:36:32.580 --> 00:36:42.410
Phil Urban
A camera like device that you put above or below your monitor. It's looking at your face and it's actually tracking where your eyes are moving and after a little bit of.
00:36:41.120 --> 00:36:41.530
Kendra Burgess
00:36:43.520 --> 00:36:44.870
Phil Urban
Uh, what's the word?
00:36:45.850 --> 00:36:46.600
Phil Urban
00:36:47.090 --> 00:36:47.470
Michael Gannotti
00:36:48.750 --> 00:36:53.030
Phil Urban
It can be pretty accurate. You know it is still a preview.
00:36:54.000 --> 00:36:56.810
Phil Urban
Feature, but you know it's something that.
00:36:57.530 --> 00:37:22.470
Phil Urban
We're working on to try to improve. You know, either right on overtime, but yeah, those those are the big features that are built right into Windows 10. You know, again, if we go into settings like ease of access button, we have a whole bunch of options here. Hopefully there's something new that were heard about. I do want to cover one other bonus item since forget who it was brought up Xbox earlier.
00:37:12.510 --> 00:37:12.750
Michael Gannotti
00:37:24.810 --> 00:37:26.800
Phil Urban
There is the Xbox Adaptive controller too.
00:37:28.090 --> 00:37:49.050
Phil Urban
And this can actually be plugged into a PC to control PC items as well. And what's really cool about this as well? It has the up, down, left, right, A&B buttons built directly onto it. Atheist. Look carefully. Let's see if I can zoom in on this. As far as I can zoom in, there's a whole bunch of connectors along the back.
00:37:49.840 --> 00:37:54.800
Phil Urban
For all sorts of different types of connectors, and these could be mapped to on the Xbox side.
00:37:55.570 --> 00:38:15.570
Phil Urban
Any key or any button push on the Xbox controller. So if you have a device that is literally like a like the staples easy button, just a big button and you want that to be your right trigger, you can do that. Or if you have another type of.
00:38:16.300 --> 00:38:22.090
Phil Urban
I just say you can only move your hand or your foot. You know in small amounts and you have.
00:38:22.810 --> 00:38:28.770
Phil Urban
A hardware device that can measure how far you're doing that you can hook it up to this adaptive controller as well, and it can.
00:38:30.070 --> 00:38:37.380
Phil Urban
Do any button press that you that you wanted to do so it's it's not just in the PC World that.
00:38:38.130 --> 00:38:42.050
Phil Urban
We're at Microsoft pushing accessibility. It's also in the gaming world as well.
00:38:42.720 --> 00:38:45.420
Michael Gannotti
Very cool, well thank you fill that was awesome.
00:38:46.170 --> 00:38:46.830
Sue Vencill
Thanks so.
00:38:46.360 --> 00:39:00.710
Michael Gannotti
So we'll we'll have some links you know. Again, folks, you know those who want to check out all the different accessibility features built into Windows. Definitely at your organization. If you have not looked at those that really bears taking a look at.
00:39:01.800 --> 00:39:05.620
Michael Gannotti
And now last, but definitely not least.
00:39:06.100 --> 00:39:07.590
Kendra Burgess
Did you?
00:39:08.000 --> 00:39:13.290
Michael Gannotti
An I gotta I'd love the car. I love the class in purple.
00:39:13.880 --> 00:39:16.320
Michael Gannotti
Purple to top it off. I love it.
00:39:16.860 --> 00:39:17.590
Kendra Burgess
00:39:18.130 --> 00:39:22.800
Michael Gannotti
Kendra, you're going to talk to us about Power BI accessibility.
00:39:19.240 --> 00:39:19.870
Kendra Burgess
00:39:22.940 --> 00:39:46.090
Kendra Burgess
I am I'm gonna move this. Yeah you know I I really loved everybody else is presentations today. Made some notes for myself because I'm thinking in the context of power BI of course. And what can power BI do? What features are available for it? Let me switch this Rowe quick switch.
00:39:24.090 --> 00:39:24.600
Michael Gannotti
That's awesome.
00:39:47.150 --> 00:39:50.590
Kendra Burgess
Swap there you go to somebody see my screen.
00:39:53.560 --> 00:40:23.350
Kendra Burgess
OK, great, so speech, color filters, high contrast, closed captioning, visual features. I'm oh. Some of them I've seen in Power BI and some of the OR loosely anyway, and some of them are kind of new. And I thought, wow, I really want to see that closed captioning in power BI. So I have some testing to do on the side. But today I wanted to talk about Power BI accessibility and I wanted to give a quick shout out to the P3 adaptive.
00:39:53.950 --> 00:39:54.290
Phil Urban
00:40:23.480 --> 00:40:55.100
Kendra Burgess
Partner, they work with us quite a bit on power BI implementations and staff, Ogg and training and last week we did a session called Power BI Governance for Health and Life Sciences and in that there was discussion about accessibility and it was by Lauderhill. She did a great presentation and I grabbed a couple of slides from that to share today and then also have a little demo and page from our documentation to share as well.
00:40:55.350 --> 00:40:56.000
Michael Gannotti
Very cool.
00:40:56.360 --> 00:41:27.540
Kendra Burgess
Yeah, so power BI accessibility standards I think what's important to call out is that the developers of Power BI have embedded into the product capabilities that follow along the web content accessibility guidelines. That's what I want to speak to on this slide that everything we build is perceivable operable. It's understandable. Which basically means that we're trying to make it is easy for you to use as possible for you to find things that you need.
00:41:27.590 --> 00:41:44.960
Kendra Burgess
For you to be able to develop your data stories and be able to use the data stories that are developed for you and to be able to share that information with other people and to make it really easy to do so, I'm going to look through slide here and talk about a couple things.
00:41:46.580 --> 00:42:17.210
Kendra Burgess
Today we talked about some of the capabilities that we have with OS. We have some capabilities with teams were all kind of piggybacking on one another where Microsoft is built in the capabilities to its software in general, and then roles in some of the capabilities into product specific solutions as well wherever we can. So here built into power BI without requiring any configuration at all. Keyboard navigation and I'll show you a little about that in just a second.
00:42:17.440 --> 00:42:44.370
Kendra Burgess
Screen reader compatibility. High contrast color views were thinking color blindness, making it easy for people to be able to see the analytics that they've been provided with a focus mode. In case you need something that's a little bolder and you want to see information that's very focused and then to be able to show a data table, which again, is just really highlighting information for you at the point in time that you're wanting to look at that.
00:42:45.020 --> 00:43:14.900
Kendra Burgess
Uh, then built in accessibility features where there's some configuration or quired alt text, tab order, titles, labels, markers, report themes, but this is basically if you take even report theme as an example, if you create a power BI template and you put in some colors that you think are going to be fine for your audience, you test that out. You can save that template so it requires work. Some of the templates that we have are out of the box and we've created them for you.
00:43:14.950 --> 00:43:43.350
Kendra Burgess
But you can go another step further and create the ones that you want. Same thing with Alt text. In tab orders you can actually manually set these so if someone can hit the tab button Tab, Tab, Tab, Tab tab and you're actually flowing through a set of visuals or a set of slicers or filters so that the storytelling in the power BI analytics makes sense to an audience whoever the audience happens to be.
00:43:44.460 --> 00:43:47.160
Kendra Burgess
So here's an example of keyboard navigation.
00:43:47.480 --> 00:44:14.760
Kendra Burgess
Uh, in this particular case, what we're looking at is when a power BI developer is either accessing a report or is creating a report. What kinds of things can you do with that keyboard navigation? Just wanted you to see that it's it's common, right? This is stuff that we see in Word, and when we when we are looking at keyboard navigation in the operating system as well. So we're trying to leverage those same things in power BI.
00:44:16.260 --> 00:44:46.550
Kendra Burgess
Themes in high contrast colors. Here's an example of themes on the left. This is out of the box, so you could choose these if you want to. You can come up with your own if you want to, but at least we've given you something for a launchpad and then on the right hand side what we've got our high contrast options so I can build a report that I think is great for you, Anna and and assigned colors to each of the visuals that I think will work for you, but if they don't you can come here and you can pick whichever ones you want that just make it easier.
00:44:46.790 --> 00:45:06.350
Kendra Burgess
You'll note in the last presentation the option windows were black with white highlighting. I particularly like the white background with black, so that's basically what this high contrast is doing is it's letting you see colors, maybe like in a reverse order that help with the contrast for you to be able to see those little easier.
00:45:07.910 --> 00:45:37.970
Kendra Burgess
And then additional resources I you know. Actually these were called out to. I was really interested in seeing the closed captioning an the icontrol note in my screenshot. Here it says beta but it's actually live. Now I'm interested in how I can use these in power BI in the future. I don't know of any anything at this point but I was thinking closed captioning if I was using Power BI and let's say embedded an app and that app had a video.
00:45:38.170 --> 00:46:07.990
Kendra Burgess
Or it had a recording of something interesting. Maybe it's about a manufacturing floor or a pharmaceutical process. What have you could close captioning, pick that up, and could it render it in power BI? I don't know today, but I sure like to test it out. 'cause I think that would be interesting. And then the I control I think would be really great to if instead of hitting the tab key, if a report could be set up so that the tabs flow in a storytelling kind of way.
00:46:08.210 --> 00:46:18.650
Kendra Burgess
And you could use I control with that. I think that would be really helpful too. So I was just intrigued when I saw this earlier and I called them out here in this presentation.
00:46:20.450 --> 00:46:31.180
Kendra Burgess
Report accessibility checklist. I wanted to put some key highlights here for you. This slide was taken from LA to slide on the governance call from last week. Want to mention that?
00:46:31.730 --> 00:46:48.360
Kendra Burgess
Uh, so quick high level checklist. I won't read everything here, but some of the things just makes sense, right? Your visuals need to be clear. You need to be looking at what your background relationship is. The visual interactions, whether or not you add tooltips.
00:46:49.800 --> 00:47:16.410
Kendra Burgess
Whether or not you can show data table, just test these things as you're developing them out and make sure that maybe you've got an audience that you could find. Maybe someone in your center of excellence that can help you know. Do it, run, run a check for you. I think there's also an accessibility checker in Power BI so you can see if the report will pass at least some general guidelines around accessibility.
00:47:19.020 --> 00:47:41.310
Kendra Burgess
And then I put in this link. Here again, this was from the governance call. I added the overview of accessibility link at the bottom there there's a lot of material, a particularly for developers that you would want to look at. That will show you the kinds of tabs an keys that you can use to develop a report.
00:47:41.970 --> 00:47:43.040
Kendra Burgess
OK, and I don't want it.
00:47:44.330 --> 00:47:45.390
Kendra Burgess
I'm going to come down here.
00:47:44.430 --> 00:47:48.600
Michael Gannotti
I like that that one link you had it was right in the middle.
00:47:45.940 --> 00:47:46.170
Kendra Burgess
00:47:47.350 --> 00:47:49.310
Kendra Burgess
Had a break up.
00:47:50.120 --> 00:47:50.740
Michael Gannotti
For training.
00:47:52.200 --> 00:47:52.850
Kendra Burgess
Oh yeah.
00:47:53.320 --> 00:48:22.750
Michael Gannotti
Right around accessibility, so you know those are great links. So thank you Kendra. It's great to see accessibility. You know, not just we've seen it. You know, as a overarching application and immersive reader, it got really got its start for us in the education sector. But now it's moved well beyond that to, you know retail consumer as well as enterprise with obviously in healthcare sector, a lot of applicable itty the dictation.
00:47:53.520 --> 00:47:53.880
Kendra Burgess
00:47:57.440 --> 00:47:58.450
Kendra Burgess
Yeah, sure.
00:48:10.820 --> 00:48:11.100
Kendra Burgess
00:48:23.480 --> 00:48:53.120
Michael Gannotti
That's Scott that you showed definitely. You know, for people on the go, that can be a big one, specially is there on the move and need to be able to dictate the OS level, which kind of is pervasive across the board. And it's been there for a long time and I'm really interested to see now that we've brought, you know, certain we purchased somebody that used to operate the Dragondictate an now it had. I don't know what the latest name is, but.
00:48:53.370 --> 00:48:53.700
Michael Gannotti
00:48:53.470 --> 00:48:54.260
Scott Moore
New wants.
00:48:54.350 --> 00:49:19.580
Michael Gannotti
Nuanced, yeah, but uh, yeah, thank you. See how that kind of gets rolled in. And then finally Kendra, you showed accessibility, you know, with power behind, certainly as you go through all your applications, word, PowerPoint and stuff. PowerPoint, we should close captions before translation. Many different levels. We're going to have a wealth of links. I want to thank our four people.
00:49:19.950 --> 00:49:32.930
Michael Gannotti
Uh, for excellent job today. That was very thorough. It was excellent and I hope everybody out there's going to embark on accessibility. So with that, we're going to close up. This is Mike and.
00:49:33.210 --> 00:49:34.180
Sue Vencill
CID, Ansel
00:49:34.420 --> 00:49:35.150
Michael Gannotti
00:49:35.660 --> 00:49:36.400
Scott Moore
Scott Moore
00:49:36.710 --> 00:49:37.510
Michael Gannotti
00:49:38.250 --> 00:49:38.990
Phil Urban
Filler and.
00:49:39.490 --> 00:49:40.350
Michael Gannotti
00:49:40.640 --> 00:49:41.540
Kendra Burgess
Kendra Burgess
00:49:42.150 --> 00:49:46.930
Michael Gannotti
Then you have a great day. Everyone take care and is always.
00:49:48.170 --> 00:49:48.710
Michael Gannotti
00:49:50.570 --> 00:49:51.900
Kendra Burgess
you're gonna say goodnight.
00:49:52.900 --> 00:49:53.590
Kendra Burgess
00:49:53.090 --> 00:49:53.710
Michael Gannotti