Friday, November 12, 2021

Azure AI document translation — Batch

Translate document in batch with Cognitive services

  • Batch translate pdf document from one language to another

Use Case

  • The below architecture shows how to do batch document translations
  • Here i have translationinput as input container for document
  • Then i created translationoutput as output container to store the output
  • For both create SAS key with Read and write.
  • At least read for translationinput
  • Write for translationoutput





  • Create a new logic app
  • Create a new workload
  • create a new connection for blob storage where you have the data
  • to trigger the flow start when a file is uploaded
  • i am reading the pdf file — this step is not necessary


  • Now drag HTTP to send the translation request
  • Provide Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key key which is from cognitive services
  • then provide the URL
  • Next configure the input and outputs
  • Here i am converting to 2 different languages
"inputs": [
"source": {
"sourceUrl": ""
"targets": [
"language": "fr",
"targetUrl": ""
"language": "id",
"targetUrl": ""
  • source and targets are full blob sas keys
  • the above SAS keys are fake and just for sample


  • Next wait for 30 seconds


  • Now lets get the status
  • From the above batch submission, response header will have the URL to query for status
  • Make sure send the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key


  • Now save and run the logic app.
  • Once successful then go out storage explorer and see the translationoutput container for processed pdf file.
  • Done

Original article: Samples2021/ at main · balakreshnan/Samples2021 (

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