Thursday, December 9, 2021

Scaling Out an Azure IoT Solution to Support Millions of Devices

Scaling an Internet-of-Things (IoT) solution to millions of devices can be challenging.  Large-scale solutions will sometimes have to concern themselves with service and subscription limits for Azure’s IoT services that are best solved using a scale-out pattern.


The FastTrack for Azure team provides expert help to customers designing and deploying projects in the Cloud.  Working on real-world problems and solutions, the team is uniquely positioned to identify and implement best practices.  The problems and requirements encountered by customers the FastTrack team helps are often the same other customers are or will be facing.  To help them accelerate their Cloud journey, we wanted to share our discoveries and the best practices we implemented for the very scenario of scaling out an IoT solution on Azure that will support millions of devices.


Attached to this post is an article describing the implementation of a solution allowing the management of millions of IoT devices and based on the scalability features and quotas present in Azure IoT Hub and the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service (DPS).


Let us know if you have questions or comments responding below, and for the latest information, be sure to visit the linked product documentation.


This is document version 1.0.


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